The White Shepherd Club of Canada Breed Standard for
The White Shepherd is well developed and balanced animal with pronounced
energy and purpose in life. It should have a regal appearance with a definite
look of intelligence; the overriding trait being his devotion to his master.
Secondary sex characteristics should be well defined. The White Shepherd
appears to be somewhat longer than tall, with smooth curves rather than
sharp angles. The White Shepherd has slightly sloping withers, strong back
and well-bent hocks indicating speed and grace, while his face displays
high intelligence, at all times avoiding extremes. This is a herding dog,
and as such must have the agility, freedom of movement and endurance to
do the work required of it. The White Shepherd should present an image
generally conforming to the following diagram and as described in the text:
The desired TYPE is so important. Breed TYPE should be the model and
goal of breeders and judges. Although the genetic roots are from the German
Shepherd family, the White Shepherd evolved from a continuous selection
for a companion dog with that exclusive colour, beauty and elegance as
seen both standing and in motion. These are the factors that make up the
White Shepherd TYPE.
The White Shepherd has a distinct personality marked by a direct fearless,
but not hostile expression of self-confidence. It should be poised, but
when the situation demands, eager and alert. To his inherent aptitude as
a guardian of flocks should be added protectiveness of the person and property
of his master. In his relationship with humans, he should be observant
and vigilant with strangers but not apprehensive. He should be fit and
willing to serve in any capacity such as companion, herding dog, watch
dog or service dog.
Faults: of temperament are serious. Timidity, shrinking behind
handler, lack of confidence or any other display of poor character.
Disqualification: Unprovoked aggression.
Ideal height (at shoulder) is 64 cm (25 inches) for males and 58 cm (23
inches) for females, variations of 3 cm (1 inch) above or below being acceptable.
The ideal weight being 34-39 kgs (75-85 pounds) for males and 27-32 kgs
(60-70 pounds) for females, keeping in mind the ideal balanced animal.
Faults: Any animal that is so over or under height as to be outside
the acceptable range is highly objectionable and considered a fault.
The White Shepherd has a double coat. The outer coat is medium length,
dense, straight, harsh and close lying. The undercoat should be fine and
dense. The head and ears are covered with a smooth, somewhat softer hair,
while the hair covering the legs and paws is more harsh. At the neck, the
coat is slightly longer and heavier. A male may carry a thicker ruff than
a female, but in all cases the body coat should never be longer than 7
cm (2.5 inches). The back of the legs has a slightly longer covering of
hair and there is considerably more hair on the breeches and the underside
of the tail.
Faults: An open coat (with no undercoat) or a body coat that
is longer than 7 cm (2.5 inches).
The White Shepherd’s coat colour is white as defined by the breed’s name.
The ideal is pure white, other coat markings that are of cream or biscuit
are acceptable but not preferred. The skin is pink to grey with grey being
preferred. The nose, lips, eye rims and pads should be black. Snow noses
are acceptable but not preferred. It must be remembered when judging a
dog, temperament, soundness and movement are more important than coat colour
Faults: The deficiency of pigment is to be considered a serious
fault; i.e., dogs faded in all the following areas: noses, eyerims, lips,
Disqualification: Total lack of pigment (albino).
The White Shepherd’s head should be proportionate in size to the body.
Males should show masculinity without coarseness. Bitches should show femininity
without being over-refined. Both sexes should exhibit a look of intelligence
and nobility. Skull: Viewed from the top is wedge-shaped and strong.
When viewed from the side, the topline of the skull should parallel that
of the muzzle and there should be a moderate stop. Muzzle: Strong
with lips fitting tightly over a well developed jaw. Viewed from above,
the muzzle appears wider at the stop than at the tip, without cheekiness.
Eyes: Medium sized, almond shaped, set a little obliquely, not protruding.
Preferably dark, expression keen, intelligent and composed. Ears:
Moderately pointed, open to the front, erect at attention. Ideal carriage
(as seen from the front) parallel and perpendicular. Ears should be proportionate
to head and body.
Faults: There should be no tendency towards overly long, narrow
or collie-like head. Insufficient stop, round or domey skull, snipy muzzle
or a receding jaw. Soft ears.
Disqualifications: Cropped or hanging ears.
Scissors bite, 20 upper and 22 lower (full mouth is preferred). Broken
teeth are not considered a fault.
Faults: Over one missing premolar is a fault. A level bite is
faulty. An overshot bite is a severe fault.
Disqualification: Undershot bite.
Strong and muscular, clean cut without loose folds of skin, proportionate
to size of head. Except when at attention or excited, the typical carriage
of the head is forward rather than up, particularly in motion.
Faults: A long, short, ewe or throaty neck.
Withers: Should be higher than and slightly sloping into the back.
Back: The back should be straight and very strongly developed, without
sag or roach, from the shoulder to the croup. The back is relatively short,
the length (of the dog) is not derived from a long back. When standing
natural the back should be virtually level. Loin: Viewed from the
top is broad and strong. From the side the loin blends smoothly into the
back without undue length between the last rib and thigh. Croup:
Should be long and gradually sloping, flowing smoothly into a low set tail.
Faults: A roached or sagged back. A near level croup. A dog whose
hips are higher than the shoulder when standing or moving.
Shoulders: The shoulder blade (scapula), should be long and well
laid back, flat against the body, with its rounded upper end at the ridge
in a vertical line above the elbow. The blades come close together at the
top of the withers, then slope well forward to the joint of the shoulder
and upper arm (point of shoulder). If you draw an imaginary line from the
withers or top of shoulder blades to the prosternum tip, then to the tip
of the elbow it would be of equal lengths and form almost a right angle.
This angulation permits the proper maximum forward extension of the foreleg,
which should meet the ground as it is fully extended forward. Forelegs:
Straight, oval rather than round or flat. (Bone) Proportionate to size
of dog, which contributes to impression of substance without grossness.
Front legs viewed from front should be straight. Elbows are well held in
with no tendency to turn in or out. The point of the elbow lies roughly
in a vertical line under the point of withers. Pasterns: Medium
length, strong and springy, ideal angulation is 25degrees from the straight
of the leg.
Faults: Loose or loaded shoulders (bulging muscle pads) as seen
from the front or pushed forward shoulder assembly. Elbows thrown out,
shoulders too short or straight. Bent legs, out of line bones, too down
on the pasterns.
Solid without bulkiness. Chest: Forechest well filled. Prosternum
should show in front of the point of the shoulder. Chest depth is approximately
48 to 50% total height of the dog. Ribs: Well sprung, long, neither
barrel shaped nor flat, (so as not to interfere with the action of the
elbows and the forelegs) carried down to the breast bone reaching to the
elbow. Body Proportion: Somewhat longer than tall, ideal proportions
are 8.8 high to 10 long; i.e., 64 cm (25 inches) high to 74 cm (29 inches)
long. Length is measured from the prosternum to the point of the buttocks.
Faults: A bottom line tucked up in the flank like that of a greyhound.
A dog that is visibly out of proportion.
In length and angulation, the scapula and the pelvis roughly equal each
other, and the slant of the lower thigh bones roughly approximate that
of the pelvis and of the humerus. Pelvis: The pelvis lies tilted
backward at an approximate angle of 35 degrees from the horizontal. Whether
standing four square or firmly and naturally with one rear leg extended
behind the pelvis, the femur drops almost vertically from the hip socket,
forming an approximate 125 degrees angle with the pelvis. The upper and
lower thigh bones are roughly the same length. Thighs: Both upper
and lower thighs are broad and heavily muscled. The stifle is well bent;
its angulation must never be so steep that the dog’s hocks lie directly
under any part of the croup or pelvis. In a correct angulated dog that
is standing in a natural three point stance (show pose), an imaginary line
dropped plumb from the point of the buttocks would land approximately 5
cm (2 inches) in front of the dog’s extended hind foot. Extra length of
either the upper or lower thigh can distort this angle to the extent that
rear drive and follow through are impossible. Legs are parallel to each
other (as viewed from the rear). Croup: Long and gradually sloping,
flowing smoothly into the tail. Ideally the tail should be carried at or
below the natural extension of the topline. It is permissible to carry
the tail higher, but not desirable, as long as the tail is not carried
any higher than right angles to the back line. Too level or flat a croup
prevents the proper functioning of the hindquarters that must be able to
reach far under the body. A steep croup will limit rear extension of the
hind quarters, interfering with the follow through. Hock: The hock
joints are strong, clean, short and perpendicular to the ground. Whether
in motion or at rest there is no tendency to turn in or out. The angle
at the hock is also relatively sharp. From the rear the hindlegs drop straight
and parallel to each other and the feet point straight ahead. Dew claws,
if any, should be removed. Tail: Is bushy with the last vertebrae
extending at least to the hock joint and usually below. At rest it hangs
straight down or at a slight curve. Even in excitement the dogs should
never lift the tail higher than right angles to the backline.
Faults: Too long a stifle. A sickle hock. Whether in motion or
in rest, there is no tendency for the hocks to turn in or out (cow or bow
hocks). A tail carried higher than a right angle to its back, a curled
around tail or a tail that hooks on the end.
Short, compact with toes well arched. Pads thick and tough affording the
dog protection over rough terrain. Nails short and strong.
Soundness is of paramount importance. The action is single track, free,
supple and tireless; the movement of the shoulders and forelegs with the
powerful thrust of the hindquarters, in unison. The feet travel close to
the ground, and neither fore nor hind feet should lift high on either forward
reach or backward push. At full trot, the back must remain firm and level.
From the front, the legs track inward toward a center line under the body
in a straight column of support from the point of shoulder to the pad.
From the rear, the legs track inward toward a center line in a straight
column of support from the hip to the pad. With the exception being at
an extended trot where the over-reaching hind foot will pass the diagonal
front foot; this is not considered faulty unless it causes the animal to
move in a crabbing fashion. Capability of quick and sudden movement is
essential. Side gait, coming and going are equally important.
Faults: An animal with clumsy or inelegant gait or who’s back
is at any angle from horizontal during movement is considered a fault.
Stiltiness; loaded or slack shoulders; straight shoulder placement; weakness
at elbows, pasterns, or feet; (i.e., running or standing on hocks or pasterns);
straight stifles; cow or bow hocks or flipping the feet must be regarded
as serious faults.
Any deviation from the listed specifications is a fault, many of which
are listed in the text. In determining whether a fault is minor, serious
or major, these two factors should be used as a guide:
The extent to which it deviates from the type.
The extent to which such deviation would actually affect the health or
working ability of the dog.
Cropped or hanging ears.
Docked tails
Monorchids or cryptorchids (male dogs -- one or two undescended testicles)
Surgically altered dogs for cosmetic reasons; i.e., tails that have been
operated on for high carriage or curling
Any dog that attempts to bite the judge
Undershot bite
Total lack of pigment (albino)
The White Shepherd’s ancestors were bred to be herding dogs, but his high
degree of intelligence and striking beauty, coupled with his sense of loyalty
have allowed the White Shepherd to survive as a most versatile working
dog serving humankind, in spite of efforts to deny their existence. Bred
true to TYPE they will stay true to TYPE.